These Streets Don't Love You Like I Do Page 3
“I’m ready! I been ready, you know that,” Fab told him.
“I thought so but I just wanted to be sure.” Pharaoh smiled.
Pharaoh knew from day one that one, if not both of his sons would follow in his footsteps. He always seen the determination in Fabion’s eyes so he knew without a doubt that he would the perfect one to hand over the crown to. Fabion had all the qualities it took to be the king.
“How’s your mama doing?”
Fabion shrugged his shoulders. “You would know better than I would. She don’t deal with us too much since you been in here.”
Pharaoh just shook his head. Fabion and Faizon’s mother Linda used to be one of the sweetest, most kind-hearted people you could ever meet, but years of putting up with his bullshit had turned her into a cold-hearted bitch.
“Look, Fab, whatever you do, don’t allow all the fame and the money go to your head and turn you into a different person. With more money comes more problems. Not only does more money bring problems, but it also brings more bitches. Remember Ahnesty was there for you when you ain’t have shit. Don’t fuck things up with her over a bitch that will turn her back on you as soon as the well dries up.”
Fab knew his dad was spitting some real shit from experience. He had heard the stories and even witnessed some of the things his mom and dad went through when he was younger and in his teens.
“No worries, Pop. I know what I got and I don’t plan on losing her,” Fab told him.
“That’s what we all say but we’re human and we fuck up. You just make sure that if you do ever fuck up, you do everything in your power to get her back,” Pharaoh preached to his son.
Fabion nodded his head in understanding.
Ahnesty had just finished working out in the built-in gym Fabion had in his house so she decided to take a shower. She was in there singing and in her own little world when she felt a cool breeze. She jumped and smiled when she saw Fab just standing there staring at her.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” she joked.
Fab just smirked at her while he removed his clothing in one swift motion. Ahnesty shook her head because she already knew what was to come. Fabion pushed her back with his hand as he stepped in the shower. He continued to push her until her back was touching the shower wall.
Ahnesty stood on her tippy toes to give him a quick kiss. He grabbed her under her legs and lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She reached down and took his dick into her small hand and massaged it.
“We ain’t got time for all that. Just put it in,” he growled.
Giggling, Ahnesty did as she was told and placed the head of his dick at her opening. Knowing that it took her some time to adjust to his size, Fab slid in slowly as she shuddered.
“You good?”
“I’m good,” she said.
That was all he needed to hear before he started his assault. Knowing her body so well, he went right for her g-spot, which made her cry out.
“Oh shit!”
The only thing Ahnesty could do was dig her nails in his back because he had her in a position where she couldn’t move. It felt so good that he had her wanting to pull her hair out.
“Fuck!” Fab growled when he felt her pussy muscles tighten around him.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry.”
Fabion had to catch himself from laughing. The dick was so good that he had her apologizing and she didn’t even do shit. He put his face in her neck and lightly bit it as he felt her rain down on him. Wanting him to join her, Ahnesty started rotating her hips in a circular motion.
“Aw, fuck!” he yelled as he pulled out of her just in time. “Damn, girl.”
“I know, right?” Ahnesty said as she tried to catch her breath.
“Your little ass better hurry up and get back on that birth control before I put one in you because this pulling out shit is for the birds.”
Ahnesty chuckled even though she knew he was serious. First thing in the morning, she was going to make an appointment to get back on her birth control.
After the two finished showering, Ahnesty rolled her man two blunts before going down to the kitchen to cook them something to eat. As she was looking in the freezer for something, Fab bounced his happy-go-lucky ass in the kitchen.
“Why you so happy? I know I put it on you, but dang,” she laughed.
“Haha, very funny. But I forgot to tell you the good news,” he said.
“What happened?” she asked.
“Pops handed over the business to me,” he told her.
“So you’re sitting on the throne now?” she asked.
“Yup. I have to fly out to Columbia next week to meet with the connect. I’m taking Zon and Zo with me. This is it, baby, the moment I’ve been waiting for all my damn life.” He beamed.
Ahnesty may have been smiling but she didn’t know how to take this news. She was happy that Fabion was finally getting what he wanted but at the same time she was scared. She knew the allure of the streets wasn’t anything nice and she didn’t want him getting caught up in them.
“What’s that look for?” he asked. “You’re not happy for me?”
She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know how I should feel. More money doesn’t mean anything but more problems. How do I know you’re not going to let all this money go to your head and change you? How do I know a few months from now you’ll be the same Fabion that I fell in love with?” she questioned him.
Fabion reached his hand out and grabbed her wrist, pulling her to stand close to him. “Look, Ahni. I can promise you now that I’m not going to change just because I’m going to bring in more money. It’s always been me and you. Like Drake said, ‘I been about and I’m still about you.’ I’ll always be about you. No amount of money, street cred or nothing will ever be worth losing you,” he told her as he kissed her lips.
Ahnesty wanted to believe him. She really did, but something in her gut was telling her that what he was saying wouldn’t be the case. She wasn’t going to think too far into it now because only time could tell.
Ahnesty and Chasity were at Benihana for a lunch date. Since Fabion and Faizon were out of the country, the two cousins were spending some much needed time together. Growing up, it was always Ahnesty, Chasity and Emani; they were like three peas in a pod when they were younger.
When Ahnesty was only four years old, both of her parents were killed in a fatal car accident caused by a drunk driver. Her maternal grandmother took her in and raised her from age five until she was grown and left the nest. The death of her sister caused Chasity and Emani’s mother to get hooked on drugs. She eventually fell victim to the drugs and lost custody of her girls.
Since the three were raised in the same household and were close in age, they realized they were all they had besides their Nana so they stayed close. That was, until Emani got addicted to the fast life and turned into one of Detroit’s biggest, well-known hoes.
“You’re the only female I’ve ever met that didn’t want a baby shower,” Ahnesty said as they ate.
“I don’t need anything, Ahni. Every since I found out I was pregnant, Zon has been buying things, so it would be pointless to have a baby shower.” Chasity shrugged.
“Well I guess you’re right,” Ahnesty said as she looked up to see Emani walking in their direction with some other female. “Heads up, your sister is headed our way.”
Chasity rolled her eyes before sipping on her drink and sitting back. She rubbed her belly since her daughter wanted to be a gymnast today and kick her.
“I guess y’all don’t mess with me no more, huh?” Emani asked as she walked up to their table.
“Mani, chill. You be too busy for us,” Chasity told her.
“I guess. How’s my niece doing?” Emani asked as she rubbed her sister’s stomach. “Oh my gosh, Chasity, she just kicked me!” Emani giggled.
“Yea, she’s been going that for a while now.”
“Wait, Chasity?” the girl with Emani asked.
Ahnesty’s head snapped up from her text message from Fabion, wondering who this girl was.
“You know my little sister?” Emani asked.
“Nah, she don’t know me,” Chasity said.
“I know of you, though,” the girl told Chasity. “You’re fucking my baby daddy,” she said accusingly.
“Ummm, Nia, what are you talking about?” Emani asked, truly confused.
“She don’t know Emani because I’ve only been fucking one nigga since I was seventeen years old, so she got me confused with some other bitch,” Chasity waved her off.
“Who are you?” Ahnesty asked this unknown female.
“I’m Lania, me and Faizon have a five-month-old son together,” Nia said.
“Oh shit! Nia, let’s go,” Emani said as she tried to defuse the situation.
Emani knew firsthand how her sister got. Chasity wasn’t nothing nice with the hands or her lethal ass mouth. She also knew Ahnesty wouldn’t have a problem beating her ass either if she had to.
Chasity laughed to keep from getting up and whooping this bitch ass.
“I’m going to have to tell Zon to teach his hoes to stay in their place because this bitch obviously don’t know me,” Chasity said as she got up.
“Hold up, Chas Chas, you’re eight and a half months pregnant. Fighting is not even in the question,” Ahnesty told her cousin.
“Chill, Ahni. I wish I would be dead caught fighting some bitch who looks like she shops at the damn swap meet.” Chasity rolled her eyes. “Now, the next time you ever think about stepping to me on some bullshit, come correct and humble yourself when you’re in my presence. Emani, remove your friend from my space before I punch her ass just for the fuck of it.”
Ahnesty shook her head as she watched Emani and her friend walk away. She never would have thought that Faizon would be on some bullshit like this.
“I’m going to the car. Lunch was on me,” Chasity said as she threw a fifty dollar bill on the table and waddled out of the restaurant.
Five minutes later, Ahnesty was walking out of the restaurant when she saw Chasity leaning up against the car holding her stomach. She rushed over to her side to see what was wrong.
“It’s time,” Chasity said. “My water just broke.”
“Oh my God!” Ahnesty panicked as she helped her cousin into the car.
Her godbaby was about to make an appearance into this cold cruel world.
Fab, Zon and Zo touched down at Detroit Metropolitan happy to be back on US soil after spending the past three days in Columbia with Gonzalo. Gonzalo had informed him that he wasn’t going to take it easy on him just because he was Pharaoh’s son but Fab didn’t mind. He didn’t want people to think or feel as if things were just handed to him based of the strength of who his father was.
Gonzalo gave him 25 keys to get rid of, which Fab knew he could get rid of with no problems. The plan was that Gonzalo was going to use his son’s shipping company to get the keys here to The States then he would use his fake trucking company to deliver them to Fabion. That’s how they were going to do business to avoid having to worry about going through customs and getting caught.
As soon as they walked out of the airport, Fab’s phone was ringing.
“What’s up, bae?” he asked.
“I’m not sure if you’re busy or not, but Faizon isn’t answering his phone and his daughter is on her way,” Ahnesty said in one big breath. She was talking so fast that it took Fabion a minute to catch on to what she was saying.
“Yo, seriously? We just got back. We’re on our way,” he said before hanging up. “Let’s go, Zon. You’re about to be a daddy, nigga,” Fab told his twin as they hopped in the rental Zo got them.
“Oh shit! Drive this damn thing, Zo,” Zon panicked.
“Sit back and relax. I have it all under control,” Zo assured him as he pulled away from the airport.
“Ahni just text me and said they’re at Ford,” Fab said as he told Zo what hospital the ladies were at.
“The fuck they doing in Dearborn?” Faizon asked.
“Who knows?” Fab shrugged.
When the trio finally reached the hospital and searched for Chasity’s room, Faizon felt as if something wasn’t right. He didn’t know where that feeling came from but he had to hurry up and get to his baby. When they got to her room, a nurse was walking Ahnesty out of the room.
“Oh my God, Zon!” she cried. “You have to hurry up and get in there. The baby’s heart rate is dropping and they’re about to perform an emergency C-section,” Ahnesty explained.
“Shit!” he said as he rushed into the room.
Ahnesty, Fabion, and Zo sat in the visiting room nervous as hell. Ahnesty was confused about what happened. One minute, they were laughing and talking then the next minute, the doctors and nurses were rushing into the room.
A half hour later, Zon came out to the visiting room.
“She okay?” Ahnesty asked as she jumped up.
“She’s beautiful. Saria Ahnesty Cook.” He smiled.
“She named her after me?” Ahnesty asked, confused.
Faizon nodded his head as his brother congratulated him. Faizon fell in love with his daughter the moment he laid eyes on her. She had him shook for a minute when he heard they had to do an emergency C-section. Come to find out, the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck and it was cutting off her oxygen. Thank God they got her out just in time.
The next morning, Faizon sat in the chair watching TV holding his daughter while Chasity got some rest. Ever since she was born, he had been holding her. He wouldn’t even let the nurses take her to the nursery.
“Is that how you are with your son?” Chasity asked out of nowhere.
“What?” Faizon asked as he looked at her with a straight face
“Faizon, don’t play with me, okay? Your baby mama, what’s her name? Nia? She stepped to me yesterday while me and Ahni were at Benihana. She accused me of fucking her baby daddy.” Chasity chuckled. “Ain’t that something?”
Faizon opened his mouth to say something but closed it again. He really didn’t know what to say right now. He actually hasn’t spoken to Nia in about two months since she refused to give him a DNA test for her son.
“Chas, I—”
“Save it, Faizon. I’m pretty sure that whatever is about to come out of your mouth will be a damn lie. Just give me my daughter and leave me alone for a while before I end up cussing your simple ass out,” she told him.
Ahnesty and Fabion walked in at the tail end of Chasity’s rant and Fabion was confused while Ahnesty already knew what the case was. Faizon reluctantly gave Saria to her mother and headed for the door.
“Where you headed, Zon?” Fab asked.
“Out,” he mumbled.
Fab followed his brother out of the room to figure out what the hell was going on.
“What did he say?” Ahnesty asked.
“I didn’t give him a chance to say anything. Ten times out of ten, he was going to sit up here and lie to me anyways so I told him to leave,” Chasity explained.
“Aw, Chas,” Ahnesty pouted.
“Nope, Ahni, don’t even do that. I’m good, I promise you I am. Am I hurt? Of course I am but I refuse to let it break me. That’s all on Faizon if he’s willing to lose the best thing that ever happened to him. The fact that he couldn’t even keep it real with me and tell me he slipped up just blows me.” Chasity shook her head.
“I don’t even know what to say. I used to look up to you and Faizon’s relationship because I knew what you two shared was real. Y’all relationship just seemed so perfect, like you two are really in love,” Ahnesty admitted.
Chasity shook her head as Saria stirred in her lap. “That’s just how we wanted things to seem. Here’s a little word of advice from your cousin. Never give these bitches, or niggas for that matter, what they want. They want to see your home crumble and shake. Th
ey think that as long as you two are not happy, they’re winning. They don’t want you to be happy because they want exactly what you have but they will never be able to get. Only fight with your man behind closed doors, never let a bitch know that your home is not happy. In the eye of the world, you two need to form a united front until you get behind closed doors. That’s when you let his ass have it.”
Ahnesty nodded her head, taking in everything her cousin was telling her. She knew no relationship was perfect but she was really rooting for Chas and Zon to make it. They had been together for too long just to throw it away.
“What you gonna do, twin?” Fab asked his brother.
“Reach in that backseat,” Faizon told his brother.
Fabion reached in the backseat and grabbed a bag from Walgreens. He checked his bag and chuckled at the contents. “A home DNA test,” Fab said.
“Hell yea, that bitch been refusing to give me one for the past five months. I was planning on giving little man one when we touched back down but Chas going into labor threw me off track,” Zon explained.
“What if she say no?”
“I’m not asking her ass to do shit. I’m popping up at that bitch house, swabbing the baby and I’m bouncing. I refuse to play these games with her anymore. Then this bitch had the nerve to step to Chas on some bullshit?”
Fabion shook his head. He had been telling his brother for the longest to get this situation in order but he waited too long. He couldn’t really say anything because he had a similar situation on his hands but he knew for a fact that Nikki’s baby wasn’t his.
“Damn, this is crazy.”
“Ain’t it?” Faizon agreed. “Take it from me, little brother. You just need to sit Ahni down and tell her straight up. Of course she’ll be mad, she’s going to be that regardless, but it doesn’t sting as bad if she hears it from your mouth than hearing it from someone else.”
“You’re right, but I’m trying to figure out how in the hell did we even get into this shit. Not just one of us, but both of us. What’s wrong with us? I don’t mean just us two, but I mean niggas period,” Fab asked.