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- Charmanie Saquea
Official Girl 4 Page 11
Official Girl 4 Read online
Page 11
My street instincts kicked in as I picked the lock on the back door. You know what they say, “You can take a nigga out the hood, but you can’t take the hood out the nigga.” The door unlocked in no time. I took the safety off of my gun before entering.
The house smelled like a damn bar. The alcohol smell was so strong I almost got drunk just from inhaling it. I moved around in the dark, looking for the stairs. When I got upstairs, I looked in all of the rooms until I found the one that my target was sleeping in. It had been some years since I had done this shit, but I have no problems doing it when it came down to my family.
When I reached his bedroom, I flipped on the lights. This nigga was in bed calling hogs. I thought about killing him in his sleep, but I wanted him to know what hit him. I walked over to the bed and hit him in the head with the butt of my gun. He jumped up holding his head.
“Wakey, wakey nigga,” I smirked.
He looked lost for a minute but when he realized who I was, he laughed.
“What’s funny? I wanna laugh too,” I said.
“Nigga, I know good a damn well yo ass not here because of that bitch.” He shook his head.
Before I could even respond, he jumped out the bed with a gun that came out of no fuckin where and let off two shots. I felt a burning pain in my shoulder and stomach. I didn’t even get a chance to let off a shot before I fell to the ground. He stepped over me smiling.
“My daddy always told me pussy could be a nigga's worst downfall,” he laughed, and that was all I remembered before everything went black.
I’d been avoiding Neicey’s ass like the damn plague for the past week while I finished up some business. I have yet to confront her about the whole Kamil situation, but it was coming and coming soon. I never would have thought the woman I fell in love with would do some sneaky shit behind my back like that, knowing his ass is a damn walking target. It seemed like when it came down to his bitch ass, she could never think straight and made very stupid decisions. I was still trying to figure out why she didn’t put a bullet in his ass when she found out about him being part of the plan to kill her ass. I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel some type of way about her keeping his ass around. I felt like she had deeper feelings for him than what she let on. Let me find out and I’ll give their asses a double funeral and she can lay right next to him.
On top of all that, Lakey and I had been planning on opening up a club. We only had a little over two weeks until it would be completely finished. We’d been moving in silence about the whole thing, it’s supposed to be a surprise to everyone. I was sitting in what was to be my office when Lakey walked in.
“What’s up nigga?” I dapped him.
“Shit, just ready for our baby to finally open.” He smiled. “What’s up with you though? You look like you got a lot on your mind.”
“Is it that obvious?” I chuckled.
“Hell yea, talk to me.”
“My damn wife, that’s it, that’s all,” I sighed.
“Here y’all go with this shit. Y’all been doing good, so what now?” he asked.
I told him about the text messages I’d seen in her phone, and in return he pulled a folded piece of paper from his wallet and gave it to me. I read it while he told me about MJ coming to him about wanting to kill Kamil. I laughed when I was done reading the letter.
“The shit niggas will do behind some pussy.” I shook my head. “No lie, Neicey is working with some killer, so I understand why his ass done lost his mind.”
“That nigga is straight tripping. He knew what it was from jump. When he met her, y’all was together. Yea, she ran to his ass when y’all broke up, but she ran right back. I don’t know why he thought she would be with him.” Lakey shook his head.
“Unless she was making him think she would be with him,” I thought out loud.
“C’mon now Kell you don’t even believe that shit. You know she wouldn’t lead him on with no bullshit like that. One thing I know about Reneice Leila Jones is her ass is not going to stay somewhere she doesn’t want to be. If she wanted him still, she would be with him and never would have married yo ass.”
I slumped in my chair a little thinking about what he had just said. I needed to just go home and talk to her; maybe I was jumping to conclusions and taking shit the wrong way. Then something hit me.
“That’s it; we can call the club Leila.” I smiled.
Lakey smiled with me and nodded his head, “That’s hot.”
“Alright man, let me get up out of here and talk to my wife,” I said, getting up.
On the way home, they played “Must Be Nice” on the radio and it instantly made me think of when I first met Neicey. She was young and feisty as hell, I laughed at the memory of the first night I met her.
When I got to the house, MJ, Chyanne and Romell were all playing a game while Tyriq played with Amyricale. I smiled at my kids, and the thought of having another one and possibly a grandchild made me smile even harder. “Where ya mama?” I asked.
“Upstairs,” they all answered simultaneously.
I took the stairs two at a time until I reached the bedroom where I heard Neicey singing that damn Ariana Grande song her and Amyricale love so much. She looked up from her laptop when she saw me and looked back down without saying anything. I walked over to the bed, closed her laptop and put it on the dresser.
“We need to talk,” I said.
“Then talk.”
“So what’s up with the text message in your phone I read about Kamil talking about thank you for meeting up with him and not telling me?” I said.
She just looked at me without answering.
“Cat got ya tongue?”
“No, I’m, just waiting for you to answer the question since you usually have all the answers.” She shrugged.
“Cut the bullshit Reneice, now is not the time for you to be playing! I’m already going to kill your little boyfriend so you might as well talk!” I yelled.
She got off the bed and laughed. “So is this what it’s really about? You’re jealous?” she asked.
I looked at her like she had just grown four heads, “What the fuck you just say? What the fuck am I jealous of? I’m the one still hitting the pussy, I got the ring, I got the kids, and you got my last name. So what the fuck am I jealous of again?”
She shrugged, “So tell me why you are coming at me on some bullshit then?”
“Because my fucking pregnant ass wife went behind my back to see her no good ass ex that tried to send her ass to fucking prison, dumb ass!” I yelled.
“So I’m dumb? Okay, we’ll see who’s dumb.”
“Yea, ya ass is fucking stupid as fuck, if you wasn’t carrying my baby I would be beating yo ass all over this damn room,” I said through gritted teeth, even though I didn’t mean it.
“How do you know this is your baby?” she sassed and the next thing I knew she was on the ground holding her cheek while MJ pushed me back.
“C’mon now, Pops. Ain't you the one who told me not to ever put my hands on a female? That’s your fucking wife, my mother!” he yelled.
Looked over at Chyanne helping Neicey off the floor, I looked back at MJ. “Nah MJ, she fucking killed your mother a while back and if she keep fucking with me, Imma send her ass to be with her,” I said.
Neicey laughed, “You ain’t shit.”
“I guess that makes two of us,” I smirked.
Neicey’s phone rung and she answered it. “Yes, daddy?” she answered.
Whatever Big Mone just said made Neicey turn pale white and she dropped her phone. MJ grabbed the phone while I grabbed Neicey. She started shaking and let out a wail that I had never heard before.
“What’s wrong baby?” I asked.
It’s funny how not even two minutes ago I slapped the shit out of her, now I’m concerned about her.
“My…My brother. Zamier shot my brother,” she cried.
Even though Pop-Pop sent his p
rivate jet to come get us, it seemed like it took us forever to get back to Detroit. As soon as we got to the hospital, I jumped out of the car before Mykell could even come to a complete stop. I ran into the waiting room to find everyone sitting around.
“What happened daddy? Any news?” I asked my dad when I got to him.
He shook his head. “All I know is he was shot in the shoulder and stomach.”
I swear it felt like all the wind was knocked out of me. I couldn’t lose my brother. He had raised me, been by my side no matter what, had my back through thick and thin. Yea, we may fight and argue, but what siblings don’t? This shit couldn’t be happening.
I looked to see Maya walking into the waiting room. I immediately jumped up in her face. “Why are you here?”
“I called her,” a nurse answered for her.
“What the fuck for? This is a family matter, her ass has no right to be here and I know damn well she’s not listed as an emergency contact.”
“Because that is my cousin’s boyfriend laying in there fighting for his life, she has the right to know,” the nurse said, trying to get loud.
I laughed at these two dumb bitches. “Boyfriend? In case you haven’t noticed bitch, Ramone moved Le’Lani and his daughters back into their house. Now you got two seconds to walk the fuck back out that door before I show my ass because if you thought Le’Lani fucked you up, you ain’t ready to see me,” I said as calmly as possible.
“I don’t have to go anywhere, I have just as much of a right to be here as she does,” Maya opposed.
“Bitch I’ll---” I started, but was cut off by Mykell whispering in my ear.
“Just calm the fuck down, let her ass stay here, you can’t kick her out of a damn public hospital.”
I rolled my eyes and walked away from them. “I don’t have time for this bullshit! My fucking brother is fighting for his damn life,” I said out loud
I just wanted to get away from everybody, I was already pissed before we got this fucked up news and it didn’t make the situation any better. I zipped up my coat and went outside for some fresh air. I know they’ll come get me if the doctor comes out.
I found a bench and just sat there thinking. My life had been crazy since the day I lost my mom. They say life has its ups and downs, but to me it seemed like the downs were winning by a long shot. I shook my head at the thought of Mykell having the nerve to slap me over some bullshit. Yea, it’s not the first time he’s done it, but it’d been years. I know I was wrong for even insinuating this baby could be Kamil’s but I just wanted him to feel what I was feeling; hurt.
I was brought out of my thoughts by a pair of arms wrapping around me and someone else sitting next to me. “Is this cold air good for the baby?” Daniella smiled.
I smiled faintly and looked over at Lakey. I looked from him to her again and smiled. “You guys are a beautiful couple, I’m very happy that my knucklehead found you. He’s very happy,” I said to her.
“Telling all my business, huh?” he laughed.
“No I’m serious. You know we’ve known each other all our lives so I can tell when you are genuinely happy, and plus it’s written all over your face. Just treat her right and don’t let her go, or I’ll have to kill you.”
“How you threatening me?” he shook his head.
“I’m just playing…No, I’m not.” We all laughed.
“See mama, that’s all you needed; a good laugh,” Daniella smiled.
“You’re right LaLa, it’s so much crazy shit going on.”
“I know, but you have to remember stress is not good for you or the baby.”
“I know,” I sighed.
We heard footsteps coming and we all turned our heads at the same time. “The doctor is ready,” my daddy said and we all jumped up. We walked swiftly into the waiting room to hear what the doctor has to say.
“Alright Doc, we’re ready.”
“Mr. Peake took a bullet to the abdomen and the shoulder. We got the bullet out of his shoulder with no problems but the one in his stomach was a little stubborn. The good thing is it didn’t hit any major arteries so he’ll be fine,” the doctor said, and I felt a big weight lift off my shoulders.
“Can we see him?” Lani asked.
“We gave him some very heavy sedatives so he’ll be out of it for the night, but you can come back in the morning.”
“Thank you soooo much,” I said to the doctor.
After leaving the hospital, we all headed to our destinations. I guess Pop-Pop could tell there was something going on between me and his son because he kept looking at us funny. He decided not to speak on it though…for now at least.
* * *
The next morning I woke up with an attitude for some reason. My baby was in a damn good mood today so she was kicking, and kicking hard, and it was aggravating me. Everyone was walking around with smiles like my brother wasn’t laying up in the damn hospital.
“See Lani, I told you to not to mess with that nigga.” Mykell shook his head.
“How was I supposed to know he was crazy?” she laughed.
“I really don’t find it funny that my brother is in the hospital because of that nigga, all behind you though,” I said.
Everyone just stopped and looked at me. “What are you saying, Neicey?” Micah asked.
“I think I said it. If she would have left him alone the first time he went upside her head like Mykell told her to, we wouldn’t even be going through this shit.”
“This shit ain’t my fault Reneice,” Lani said getting up.
“How the hell is it not? You acted so fucking simple knowing if his ass hit you once, he was going to do it again. So why the fuck would you stay with him? Especially after he told you about the damn DNA test?” I said through gritted teeth.
She looked at Mykell. “Really, Kell? You been discussing my business?” she asked.
“Man, Le’Lani gone with all that, that’s my wife.” He waved her off.
“That don’t mean shit! You just told us you had to slap some sense into her ass, so you wasn’t worried about her being your wife then.”
“I honestly think you better back the fuck away from me Le’Lani and I’m not even playing with you right now. You think just because we got into a little fight that he’s not my husband anymore? We said until death do us part. You know, you were this close to being somebody’s wife, until you had to fuck it up.” I rolled my eyes.
“Y’all seriously need to chill, ‘y’all are fucking sisters,” Micah said.
“Neicey, keep running ya mouth and I’ll beat ya pregnant ass. You need to be worried about how long you’ll be able to keep your fucking husband,” she laughed.
I jumped up. “I don’t take kindly to threats, pregnant or not, this is not what you want baby girl, and you fucking know it.”
Mykell got in between us and pushed his sister back a little. “Le’Lani, you’re my sister and I love you, but don’t roll up on her like that; especially while she’s carrying my seed,” he said.
“Fuck that bitch.”
“Don’t fuck me, fuck with me,” I said.
“Alright, that fucking enough. Everybody sit the fuck down, now!” Pop-Pop yelled while coming down the stairs.
“No disrespect Pop-Pop, but I have better things to do than to sit here,” I said, getting up and walking towards the door.
I walked outside to my car and jumped in, Mykell stood there trying to get in but I kept shaking my head no. I put the car in reverse and sped off. I reached for my phone and powered it off, knowing he was about to blow my phone up. I took the two hour drive to the only place I knew I could find peace.
When I pulled up to the cemetery, I felt a sense of calm come over me. I had stopped by the store and got me some flowers to put on my mommy’s grave. I haven’t been here to visit her since before I left for college, and that was years ago. I sat my big pregnant ass on the ground in front of her headstone, not caring about it being cold out.
“Hey mommy,”
I smiled. “I know it’s been a long time since I’ve came to see you and I’m sorry. It’s been so much going on that I haven’t been focusing on the most important things or the things that matter.”
I wiped the tears away that had snuck and fell before continuing.
“Mommy, I need you. I’ve tried to be as strong as I could, but I’m tired. I’m tired mommy. I know you didn’t raise me to be weak but I…I guess I’m just tired. I’m always there for other people and I’m always strong for everybody else but I need somebody to be strong for me.” I sighed as I got up and kissed her headstone.
“I love you mommy, I promise I’ll come back soon.”
I got back in my car, contemplating if I wanted to go back to Pop-Pop’s house or take that long drive back to Florida. I knew I wouldn’t hear the last of it if I didn’t go see my brother so I decided to do that then stay at my daddy’s house.
Chapter 11
I sat there with the test results in my hand. I wanted to look at them but then again I was scared, because a very little part of me has a doubt. I don’t want to feel like I let Rodney down but I guess I did that the moment I became intimate with his brother. I waited for Micah to get in the house before I opened the envelope.
As soon as Micah walked through the door, I dragged him upstairs.
“Damn baby, I know you’re happy to see me but damn,” he laughed.
I smacked my lips, “Shut up.” I held the package out for him. “Here.”
He looked down at it then back at me. “What it say?”
“I don’t know, I was waiting for you to look then tell me,” I said.
He took the package and opened the envelope before reading it over. He peeked at me over the top of the papers then went back to reading. Finally, he looked back at me and smiled. “Bishop is not the father.”
“I knew it!” I said, releasing a breath I didn’t even realize I was holding. I ran to the dresser and grabbed my cell phone off the charger while I immediately dialed Bishop’s number.
“Yea,” he said, unenthused.