Official Girl 4 Read online

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  I was shocked to see Kamil’s name on it. I haven’t spoken to him since the day I got married. I opened it up and was not prepared for what I was about to read.

  Dear Neicey,

  I know I’ve apologized thousands of times for leading you on and deceiving you but I really want you to know that I honestly do love you. Whenever I told you that, I never lied. I meant it every time. I was informed that you were in jail and it broke my heart. What really hurt me was the fact that you’re there because of me. I know you’re probably trying to figure out what I mean so I’m going to come right out and tell you. I’m the key witness in your case. I truly am sorry because you are not supposed to be the one sitting in a cell right now, your so called husband is. The only reason I’m not willing to testify is because of the love I have for you.

  Every day I sit back and think about how perfect we were for each other. I will never understand why you chose someone who doesn’t appreciate you over me. I mean look at everything you’ve been through because of him. Is that really what you want? You probably feel obligated to him which is the only reason why you decided to marry him, but it’s cool. I know you still love me too. I can tell by the way you kept me around. When you and that nigga don’t work out, I’ll be there to pick up the pieces; like always,

  I love you,


  I read that letter like ten times thinking I read the wrong thing. Did he really turn snitch because he was feeling salty? Who does shit like that? I think for the first time in all my years of being on this earth, I was actually speechless; utterly speechless.

  I never would have thought he would do something like this. This topped him working with his hoe ass cousin to take me out the game. I was honestly hurt right then. How do you write some shit like this and then have the audacity to put I love you at the end of it?


  I pulled up to the address the realtor gave me. I looked at the house and instantly knew this was the one for us. When Neicey came home, I wanted us to have a fresh start. I wanted to have a house built from the ground up, but I was a little pressed for time. I wanted everything already moved in by time she got home, I brought MJ along with me to get his opinion.

  I looked behind to see MJ pulling up behind me. I just shook my head; you can’t tell that little nigga nothing ever since I bought him a car. I told him to tag along so I could get his opinion. He knew his mother’s taste and what she would like just as much as I did.

  “I’m feeling this one, pops,” MJ said, walking over to me as I got out the car.

  “Me too, I think this might be the one,” I agreed.

  I looked at my vibrating phone to see Toni’s name on the caller I.D. I just hit the ignore button and sent her to voicemail. I don’t know what it is about her ass but she just doesn’t seem to understand that no means no. No matter how many times I decline, she still insists on throwing the pussy at me. If she would have met my ass a couple of years earlier when I was a dog, I would have hopped on that shit. But I’m a married man now and I only have eyes for my wife. Her ass better get with it.

  “Hello, Mr. Jones,” Mr. Parker, my realtor, said as MJ and I approached him.

  “What’s the details?” I asked

  “The house has eight bedrooms including a master bedroom with five bathrooms, a finished basement with a theater room, high ceilings; it also comes with a pool. The kitchen has all stainless steel appliances, with marble countertops; the counters in the bathrooms are also marble.”

  As MJ and I examined the house, I was sold. This house had Neicey written all over it. I knew she would love.

  “This is the one, pops,” said MJ, confirming my thoughts.

  “We’ll take it,” I said to Mr. Parker.

  After doing all the paperwork, I was handed the keys. I was content with my decision. I walked MJ to his car as we prepared to leave.

  “Where you headed to?” I asked.

  “I got a little shorty I’m meeting up with.” He smiled.

  “Alright, lil nigga. Don’t be trynna make me a grandpa anytime soon,” I laughed.

  “Never that, I stay strapped. I don’t want ma killing my ass. I’ll leave all that baby making to y’all.”

  “Good, when she get home, we just might make another one,” I half joked.

  “Alright now old man,” MJ laughed before backing up.

  As I walked back to my car, Toni called me again. Fuck it, I thought as I answered.

  “Yo,” I said into the phone.

  “I really don’t like being ignored Mykell.”

  “What do you want Toni?” I said, ignoring her.

  “I need you to meet up with me. I have something very important you might like to hear.”

  “Don’t bullshit me Toni. I don’t have time to play with you.”

  “I’m too grown for games. Just bring ya ass, I’ll text you the address,” she said as she hung up.

  I just shook my head at her crazy ass. Lord give me the strength.

  It seems like Toni’s crazy ass doesn't know how to take a damn hint. I don’t know how many times I have to tell her ass I don’t want her. The hell I look like fucking another bitch while my wife is locked up, possibly facing a double murder charge? The same exact bitch that was supposed to be defending her. I may have done some shit in the past but that shit is dead. I put all that behind me the day I said ‘I do’.

  I walked into the restaurant in search of this crazy bitch. It was time I set her ass straight.

  “I’m happy you came, I don’t know why you be playing. I know you want me just as bad as I want you,” she said standing up.

  "Come here," I said, pulling her close to me so I could whisper in her ear. "Let me tell you something. If it's that easy for me to get it, I don't want it. You barely know me but you ready to drop them panties. My girl made a nigga work hard for it and I damn near chased her ass, which is exactly why I made her my wife," I said before walking away, leaving her looking dumb.

  “I wouldn’t play with me if I was you, Mykell. Maybe you forgot that I’m still your wife’s lawyer. Her trial starts in a couple of days and even though it’s looking good for her right now, it would be a shame if something just so happens and she never came home again.”

  I turned around and charged her ass grabbing her by her neck, not giving a damn about us being in public. “I don’t take being threatened very well, especially when it comes to my wife. Let her ass not come home and I swear your last fucking breath will be a painful one. Play with me if you want to bitch,” I said, squeezing tighter before finally letting go.

  “Whatever, just make sure you have your ass in court Monday at 9:00,” she yelled.

  I walked out without looking back. I would never let any bitch or nigga disrespect Neicey; I don’t care how mad we get at each other. If Neicey didn’t have to go to court in a couple of days, I would have just offed that bitch today.


  Whoever said that ‘everything that glitters ain’t gold’ never lied. I was basically living a lie and hiding from my family. The shit I was going through now, I never had to worry about when I was with Ramone. I haven’t spoken to my dad in weeks and that’s not like me. Damn I miss him.

  “Lani, bring yo ass down here!” Zamier yelled.

  I just rolled my eyes and headed towards the stairs. His ass gets on my nerves so bad, it don’t make no sense.


  “Who the fuck you think you talking to? You better watch that damn attitude before I put my foot up yo ass,” he yelled.

  “First of all, you need to stop all that damn yelling. My daughters are upstairs sleep. Wake em up if you want to and we…”

  I didn’t even get to finish what I was saying before I felt a blow to my face. I stood there in shock for a second before I came back to myself. I charged him like a damn raging bull.

  “Don’t you ever put yo muthafucking hands on me, bitch,” I said as I was trying to hit him, but he was too big and powerful.
br />   He knocked me on my ass and kicked me in my ribs. I doubled over in pain. “Since you wanna be childish and act like a child, Imma treat yo ass like one,” he yelled.

  All of a sudden, my skin started stinging from the leather belt he was hitting me with. “STOP!” I yelled, but it fell on deaf ears.

  “Mommy!” I heard Ranyla yelling from the stairs. I looked up to see her crying.

  “When I get back, I want you and your daughters out of my shit. Go back to that nigga that don’t want yo ass,” he said before walking towards the stairs.

  Ranyla ran down to me as I slowly tried to get off the floor. A sharp pain hit me in my ribs and I wanted to scream but I didn’t want to scare NyNy any more than she already was.

  Enough was enough. I should have left his ass when he came home drunk one night talking about how he paid the doctors at the hospital to fuck up the DNA test on Zyla to make it say he was the father.

  I slowly walked up the stairs with NyNy sniffling behind me. “Princess, I need you to be a big girl and do mommy a favor okay? Can you do mommy a favor?” I asked.

  She nodded her head up and down. “Yes, mommy.”

  “Okay, I need you to grab your sister’s bag and put whatever you can fit in there. Anything of hers and yours okay?”

  She ran out the room and I grabbed my phone to call my brother.

  “Yo!” Mykell answered on the second ring.

  “Kell, I need you. I need you now.”

  “What’s wrong baby girl?” he asked.

  “I’m on my way to you.”

  “I’ll be ready for you.”

  Four hours later, my daughters and I landed at Miami International Airport. I spotted Mykell’s Navigator by the entrance. I wanted to run to him so bad, but the pain in my side prevented me from doing that.

  “You don’t have any bags?” he asked jumping out.

  “I only packed for the girls,” I said, slowly climbing into the truck.

  “What’s wrong? Why you moving like that?”

  “Mommy…” Ranyla started but I cut her off.

  “Not now NyNy,” I said. “We’ll talk later,” I said turning to Mykell.

  He just nodded his head.

  We pulled up to a nice house that I’ve never seen before and my mouth hit the floor. “Who lives here?” I asked.

  “I do, Imma surprise Neicey with it when she comes home.” He smiled. “Oh, by the way, her trial starts Monday. So you came right on time.”

  “You are so sweet.” I smiled.

  “I get that a lot,” he joked.

  We walked into the house and I was in awe. It was so beautiful.

  “Close ya mouth before a bug fly in it,” Mykell laughed.

  “Shut up.”

  “NyNy, Amyricale is upstairs,” he said. The moment those words left his mouth, she took off running up the stairs. He walked over to me and took Zyla out my arms while grabbing my face. “Start talking, now.”

  I slowly sat on the couch before speaking. “If I tell you, you gotta promise that you won’t tell daddy,” I said in a childlike tone. Even though Kell is the hotter tempered one, I always told him stuff before I did Micah or my daddy.

  “It all depends on what you’re about to tell me,” he said, staring at me while bouncing his niece on his lap.

  I wasn’t worried though because he never told on me when I asked him not to.

  I sighed. “Zamier hit me…”

  “WHAT!” he roared. “So you’re sitting up here telling me that a nigga put his hands on my sister but you don’t want me to say nothing? That’s cool, I’ll let my bullets do all the talking for me.”

  Zyla looked at her uncle and started giggling like she understood what he was saying.

  “See, even my niece agrees.”

  “That’s not all,” I said.

  “What else?”

  “He told me that he paid the doctors to mess up the DNA test when Zyla was born. He also got mad and beat me with a belt after kicking me in my ribs.”

  He got up and put Zyla on the couch and started pacing the floor. I watched him pace a good five minutes before he spoke again.

  “So that’s why yo as was crying on the phone? And you think I’m not about to tell Pops that a nigga was beating on his daughter? His only daughter. Fuck that Le’Lani, I don’t care what you talking about, I’m telling him,” he said as he took his phone out of his pocket.

  I got nervous and jumped up, pain shot through my side but I didn’t care at that moment. “Kell, please don’t. Not yet at least, wait until after the trial. He’s already stressing over Neicey; I don’t need him stressing over me right now,” I pleaded.

  He sighed. “Alright. You need to go to the doctors or something?”

  “No I’m just going to take a hot bath and soak,” I said.

  “Alright, pick whatever room you want that don’t got kid shit in it and get comfortable because you won’t be going back anytime soon,” he said, and I knew better than to argue. I just walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek. I was grateful that I have such an understanding brother.


  Hiding out does not work for a nigga like me. I got the damn police on my ass, mad because I didn’t want to testify, they were trying to threaten me but I really didn’t give a fuck. That’s the last thing I was worried about right then. What I was trying to figure out is why Neicey would do some bullshit like turning herself in for that nigga. I just knew for damn sure that my plan would work, but I guess not.

  The plan was to get Mykell locked up. I already knew that nigga had two strikes on him; three strikes and you’re out. When he got locked up I was going to get in where I fit it with Neicey and we were supposed to be happy. Unfortunately, she threw a wrench in my plans and fucked everything up.

  See, she’s supposed to be wearing my ring; not that nigga’s. After all the bullshit she’s been through because of him, she was still quick to marry his ass. I wasn’t tripping though because I knew it would only be a matter of time before he fucks up again. A little birdie told me that Neicey’s lawyer wanted Mykell, so all he had to do is fuck up this one time and she’d come home to daddy. All that’s left to do is play the waiting game.

  Chapter 4


  This was it. Today was the day. Hopefully everything worked out in my favor because I couldn’t imagine spending any more time behind bars. I just hoped Kamil kept his word and stayed far away today. I woke up early as hell today because I couldn’t sleep.

  “Jones, come with me,” the guard said.

  I followed him to the room where Toni was waiting for me. She put some clothes on the table. “Your husband brought these for you to put on,” she said.

  It seemed like she had an attitude but I really don’t give a damn about her uppity ass right then. The only thing on my mind was my freedom.

  I took the braids out so my hair had a curly look to it. Just because I was in jail didn’t mean that I had to look like it. The least I could do was look presentable in front of the judge. When I got in the courtroom, I was happy to see my family. Pop-Pop, my daddy, Micah, Janae, Mykell, MJ, Ramone and Lani; even Jason, Howie, and Corey came down.

  “All rise!” the bailiff said and everyone stood to their feet while he judge entered. I was surprised to see that the judge was a woman; a black woman at that. The judge started talking and asking questions but I tuned her out to say a quick prayer.

  Lord, you and I both know that I did not commit this crime so I ask that you get me through this. Amen.

  I was shaken from my thoughts when the judge asked for the prosecutor to bring forth their witness.

  “Um, Your Honor, it seems that our witness has disappeared,” said the DA, whose name is Carter.

  “Your witness as disappeared huh?” she asked sarcastically.

  “Your Honor, I would like to request a quick sidebar,” Toni said.

  The judge agreed and they walked up to the judge. I don’t know what they were saying and I
was kind of getting nervous. Toni walked back to me and smiled. I wanted to return the smile but I was too scared to.

  “Mr. Carter, since you have no witness and no evidence, I’m giving you a week to come up with some evidence or I’m dismissing this case,” she said before banging her gravel. I let out a sigh of relief at those words. I wanted to get up and jump for joy but I didn’t want to jump to conclusions.

  Three days later

  “Neicey, where did you get all this pretty hair from?” Big Mama asked.

  “My mama had some pretty hair, so I guess it’s genetics. My daddy got a good grade, too.”

  “You sure one of them wasn’t mixed with nothing?”

  “Honestly, I don’t really know. My mom’s family didn’t want anything to do with her when she started messing with my daddy. They damn near lost their minds when they found out she was pregnant with my brother, so we never got to meet them. As far as my dad, we never met his side of the family and he never talks about them,” I sighed.

  “That’s deep. I understand the feeling though. Well, I sure do hope this baby comes out with some pretty hair. I have a feeling that it’s going to be a girl and Big Mama hasn’t been wrong on guessing the sex of a baby yet,” she smiled.

  “Oh Lord, another one of me running around? I don’t know if I can handle that, Amyricale is already a hot mess.” I laughed.

  “So I’m guessing you still haven’t told him,” she said, eyeing me.

  “Not yet Big Mama, but I promise I will very soon,” I said.

  “Alright child, it’s your business.”

  “Jones, pack up. You’re going home,” a guard said.

  “Huh? What you say?” I asked confused.

  “You’re going home, girl. C’mon unless you want to stay here,” the guard laughed.

  “Hell no!” I yelled. “I don’t need anything. Big Mama can keep it all,” I said before turning to her and hugging her.

  “You have my number, so make sure you keep in touch,” I said before leaving.

  “Hello Mrs. Jones,” Toni greeted me.

  “Toni, what happened? I thought the judge gave the DA a week?”