These Streets Don't Love You Like I Do Read online

Page 5

  “First thing you need to do is get ol girl out of here. I’m not saying abandon your son, but deal with her to a minimum. I can see through her like glass and she ain’t right. Then you need to sit down with Chas and talk. Just put everything out on the table and go from there,” Ahnesty told him.

  “You’re right. But you, Ms. Muhammad Ali wannabe, don’t be coming over here starting shit. You’ve been hanging around Chasity too long, she’s starting to rub off on you,” he laughed.

  “Yea, whatever. You know I love you and all, but don’t expect to see me too much as long as she’s around,” Ahnesty told him.


  Fabion sat in his car with the seat reclined back, scrolling through his text messages as Nikki’s head bobbed up and down in his lap. He felt his dick twitch as she sucked him off like she didn’t have a tooth in her mouth. He knew he was about to cum so he held her head down as he released his kids in her mouth.

  After swallowing, she tried to lift up so she could straddle his lap but he pushed her away.

  “You straight,” he told her as he fixed his pants.

  “Are you serious, Fab? I’m good enough to suck your dick but not good enough to fuck?” Nikki asked with an attitude.

  “Duh, you know that. Let’s not act brand new. I got a girl that I can fuck whenever and however I want. What I need you for?” he questioned.

  “You love hollering that ‘I got a girl’ bullshit but I’m the one sucking your dick,” she spat.

  “And you should feel honored,” he told her.

  “Fab!” Tone yelled from the porch.

  Fabion rolled his window down and stuck his head out the window. “What, nigga?”

  “Bring yo ass here, that’s what, nigga,” Tone fussed.

  Fab sighed as he grabbed his keys and got out of the car. Nikki sat there with her arms folded as she watched Fabion and Tone disappear in the house. She heard a buzzing noise and looked around to see what it was. A devilish smile came across her face when she noticed Fabion’s phone on the floor with the word ‘Wifey’ on the caller ID.

  “Hello?” she answered.

  The line was quiet so she said hello again.

  “Where the hell is Fab?” Ahnesty asked with ice dripping from her voice.

  “Umm, I’m sorry, but Fabion is busy washing my cum off his dick,” Nikki lied with a smile on her face.

  She heard a beeping noise that indicated that the call was disconnected. With a satisfied smile on her face, she deleted Ahnesty’s call from the call log and put his phone back where she got it from just as Fabion walked out of the house.

  Fabion jumped in his car and dismissed Nikki.

  “Raise the fuck up out my shit,” he told her as he started his car.

  Nikki stuck her nose up at him as she climbed out of the car. She wanted to light into his ass and cuss him out but she figured she would leave that job to his so-called wifey. One way or another, Fabion was going to learn not to fuck with her.


  Ahnesty threw her hair into a high bun as she snatched her keys off her dresser. She knew exactly who that voice belonged to; that bitch messed with her on the wrong day. She was never the type to fight over a nigga, as a matter of fact, this wasn’t even over Fabion at this point. Nikki thought she could disrespect her and that was a no-no. People thought because she wasn’t in the streets that she was soft, and that’s where they fucked up at.

  She jumped in her car and backed out of her driveway quickly. She knew this shit would happen as soon as Fab started making more money. The bitches would come by the dozens. She knew Fab wasn’t perfect but this was the first time his shit had ever caught up to him.

  Nikki was chilling on the porch at her homegirl’s house down the street from Fab’s chill spot, bragging about the shit she had just pulled.

  “Nikki, you better hope that girl don’t beat your ass,” her friend Shari said.

  “Do I look worried? That bitch is too quiet and scary, she’s nothing like her cousin Chas.” Nikki waved her off.

  “Alright, bitch. Them quiet ones are the ones you have to look out for,” Shari told her as a car sped up in Shari’s driveway. “Oh shit!”

  Nikki got a little worried when she saw Ahnesty jumped out of the car. She looked over at Shari who just shrugged her shoulders as to say, ‘I told you so’.

  “Come here, let me talk to you real quick,” Ahnesty said as she walked up in the yard.

  Not wanting to seem scary in front of her girl, Nikki got off the porch and made it a point to rub her five month pregnant belly. She smirked when she noticed Ahnesty’s eyes travel down to her stomach.

  “So I see my baby daddy—”

  Nikki’s sentence was cut short when Ahnesty punched her in her mouth. The blow made her fall to the ground. Ahnesty stood over her with a deranged look on her face.

  “Get up, bitch,” Ahnesty told her.

  Nikki was moving too slow for her so Ahnesty grabbed her by her hair and kept punching her in her face. Ahnesty didn’t give a fuck about her being pregnant, it wasn’t like she was punching her in her stomach, anyways.

  “Bitch, one thing you’re going to learn about me is I don’t take too kindly to disrespect,” Ahnesty told her.

  “Ahni, chill!” Tone yelled as he tried to pry her hand from Nikki’s hair.

  “Tone, if you know what’s good for you, you would let me the fuck go,” she said through clenched teeth.

  “I love you to death but I can’t let you do this. You’re better than this, Ahni,” Tone said.

  Knowing he was right, Ahnesty let go of Nikki’s hair, but not before delivering a kick to her face. As she walked back to her car, she heard Tone calling her name but she ignored him and jumped in her car. As she sped away, she shook her head at the shit she’d just done; she’d allowed a trifling bitch to take her out of her character.

  She didn’t want to go home and she damn sure didn’t want to be around Fabion out of fear that she might kill him, so she called someone she knew she had no business calling.

  “What’s up?” Khan answered.

  “I need to see you,” she said.

  “You already know where to find me,” he told her.

  Ahnesty hung up her phone and drove to Bloomfield Hills to Khan’s house. She knew she should have just gone home and cried in her pillow but that wasn’t about to happen. She wasn’t trying to use Khan as a revenge fuck. She just needed to go someplace where she could be ducked off for a few days and no one would find her. Khan’s house would be the last place people would expect her to be.

  As she was driving out to his house, her phone was ringing nonstop. She knew news about her beating Nikki’s ass would travel fast so she just powered off her phone, not wanting to speak to anyone.

  When she pulled up to Khan’s house, the gate to his house was already open for her so she drove up to his house and watched as the gate closed behind her. When she parked her car, Khan was waiting for her in his doorway.

  “I’m surprised you remember where I live,” he said.

  “I didn’t know where else to go,” she told him.

  He grabbed her hand and she flinched. They both looked down at her swollen red knuckles. He shook his head as he guided her into his house.

  “Tell me all about it while we get some ice on this hand,” he said.

  Ahnesty told Khan everything. She knew she was breaking the number one rule of telling her relationship problems to her ex but at this point, she really didn’t care. After telling him what happened, he held her in his arms while she cried until she cried herself to sleep.


  The next morning when Ahnesty woke up, she had to remember where she was. All the events from yesterday came rushing back to her, starting with Nikki answering Fab’s phone and ending with her spending the night at Khan’s house. She climbed out of the bed and examined her hand that Khan was nice enough to wrap for her.

  She heard his voice coming from outside the door and her nosiness got
the best of her so she walked to the door to hear what he was talking about. She pressed her ear to the door and listened.

  “Man, I don’t give a fuck what I have to do. If I have to kill the nigga, I will,” she heard him say before he got quiet again.

  Who in the hell is he talking about? she thought to herself as she waited to hear what else he had to say.

  “Ever since that nigga took over where Pharaoh left off, I ain’t been making no money. It’s like this nigga blew up overnight. It’s time to start hitting that nigga where it hurts. I’ve been being too nice to this nigga. I should have took his ass out when he took my girl. Play time is over, time to put in work.”

  Ahnesty felt dizzy as she walked back over to the bed. She was now regretting the fact that she had even come over here. She had just sat there and listened to her ex plot on her boyfriend. No matter what Fabion may have done to her, she never would want to see him hurt.

  “Yo, Ahnesty!”

  “Huh?” she asked.

  “I’ve been standing here talking to you for the past two minutes,” Khan said.

  She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn’t even hear him come in the room. He had her thought process messed all the way up.

  “My bad, my head and hand is throbbing. I just need to get home and take a hot long shower and get my mind together,” she told him.

  “You sure you good?” Khan asked skeptically.

  “Yup, I’m good. It would have been nice to wake up to some breakfast or something.” She smirked.

  “My bad. I was about to head down to the kitchen but I got a phone call and it through me off track,” he explained.

  I bet it did, she thought. “It’s cool, but thanks for letting me crash here. I really appreciate it.”

  “No biggie. I already told you I’m here whenever you need me.” He smiled as he bent down to kiss her forehead. “Let me walk you out.”

  As soon as she reached her car, she turned her phone back on and threw it on the charger. She had all types of voicemails and text messages pop up. Ignoring them all, she called Faizon. He answered on the third ring.

  “Do you know how bad I wanna fuck you up now that I know you're okay? You had everybody losing their damn minds because we were worried about you!” he yelled.

  Ahnesty was starting to feel bad about her decision to turn her phone off. She knew she could have at least have called her cousin and told her she was alright so she could deliver the message.

  “I'm so sorry, Zon, but I ran across some information just a while ago and I really need to speak with you. How fast can you get Tone and Zo to your house?” she asked.

  “As soon as I need them to be. What’s up?” Faizon asked.

  “Call them and tell them to meet you at you house. I'm on my way and I'll explain everything when I get there,” she said before hanging up.

  After stopping by her house and taking a quick shower, Ahnesty pulled up to Faizon’s house an hour and a half later. She knocked on his door and waited for him to answer.

  “Hurry up, girl. We been waiting on you,” he told her.

  She walked in and followed him downstairs to his man cave. Just as she’d requested, Zo and Tone were there also.

  “First off, Tone, I owe you a big apology for yesterday. I know you were just trying to stop me from killing that damn girl but I was running off emotions and wasn't thinking straight,” she told him.

  He waved her off. “Ahni, you don't owe me an apology. I knew what it was as soon as I saw your car speeding down the street. I let you handle your business until I felt she had enough. We’re good, little sis.”

  She smiled while nodded her head. “Now, I needed to speak with all three of you because while I was at Khan’s house, I—“

  “Whoa,” Faizon cut her off. “Fuck you just say?”

  Zo groaned. “Come on, Ahnesty. We talked about this.”

  “I need for y'all to calm down before y'all have some heart attacks. Me and Shakhan did not do anything, and I can promise you that on a stack of Bibles. I just needed to go somewhere I could be ducked off and you wouldn't be able to find me,” she assured him.

  “Okay, so what did you find out?” asked Tone.

  He believed Ahnesty. He knew she wasn't the type to jump into another nigga’s bed because her man did her wrong. Especially not the same nigga that cheated on her and her boyfriend had beef with. Ahnesty would never be that grimy.

  “Khan is coming for Fab. He said he doesn't care if he has to kill him. He said ever since Pharaoh stepped down and Fab stepped up, he ain't been making no money. He plans on hitting where it hurts, which is his pockets,” she told them.

  “So basically, this nigga is trying to fuck up my brother cash flow and if that doesn't work, he's going to kill him?” Zon asked.

  Ahnesty just nodded her head.

  “I have a plan, though. But the thing is, Fab can't know about it,” she said.

  “What you got in mind?” Tone asked.

  Ahnesty told them the plan she had come up with as soon as she left Khan’s house. She knew it could be dangerous but she was willing to do whatever she had to do to keep Fabion out of harm’s way.

  “I don't know about this.” Zo shook his head.

  “Nah, I don't know, Zo. It might actually work. No, it definitely could work,” Faizon said.

  “You just gotta be careful, Ahni. Shit is not a game,” Tone told her.

  “If I wasn't sure that I could pull it off, I never would have stepped to y'all with it.” And she meant that. Of course Fabion had hurt her but she would ever wish any harm on him.


  After being away for three days, Ahnesty finally decided to pop up at Fabion’s house. She knew they were going to have to talk eventually so she was ready to get it over with. Besides, the advice that Chasity had given her was being tossed around in her head. Plus, a good talk with her Nana helped her get her thoughts together.

  Using her key, Ahnesty let herself into the house and was immediately greeted by the strong aroma of weed and Tupac blasting rapping about it being him against the world. She shook her head as she slowly walked up the stairs. When she reached his room, she posted up in the doorway with her arms folded.

  He had clothes all over the floor and couch he had in his room. She gawked at him as he played a game on his Xbox while a blunt dangled from his mouth. Feeling the presence of someone else in the room, Fabion turned his head and was startled a little by Ahnesty standing there.

  Pausing his game and putting the controller down, he reached over and turned his music down before slowly walking over to her. He had to be cautious because he didn’t know if she was going to flip out on him or what. He opened up his mouth to speak but she put her hand up to stop him.

  “I only need a yes or no answer and it would be in your best interest not to lie. Did you fuck her and is the baby yours?” she asked.

  “Kind of, and fuck no!” he spat.

  “Kind of? Either you fucked the bitch or you didn’t, Fabion. Don’t play with me,” she said as she pointed her finger in his face.

  “Look, Ahni, I’m not even going to lie to you. I fucked the bitch about two times but both times were anal sex. She sucked me off a few times and that’s it. But I can promise you, that baby ain’t mines,” he told her.

  Ahnesty just nodded her head as she turned to leave. She only came for answers and that’s all she needed. He admitted to sleeping with the girl so there was nothing more to say.

  “Ahni, wait!” he said as he tried to pull her back into the room but she snatched away from him.

  “You promised,” she said with tears in her eyes. “You promised you wouldn’t let all this shit go to your head. What happened to all the bullshit about ‘I’ll always be about you’ you was spitting? I thought nothing was worth losing me? Yea, well, we see how long that lasted, huh? What, four months?”

  “Ahnesty, I’m not even going to stand here and try to defend what I did or none of that. I fucked u
p, simple as that. I’m a man and I can admit when I’m wrong. I should have known better but of course, I was thinking with my little head instead of the head on my shoulders. That damn girl don’t mean nothing to me. I’m standing here asking you, no, I’m begging you, please don’t leave a nigga. I will get down on my knees if I have to,” he pleaded.

  Ahnesty shook her head as she leaned up against the wall. It was no secret that she loved Fabion. Who didn’t know that? But just because she loved him didn’t mean she had to play the fool for him. Who’s to say this wouldn’t happen again? He may be sorry only because he got caught.

  “I love you, Fabion, I really do, but I can—”

  Before she could even finish her sentence, he had pressed his lips against hers. He tried to grab at her shirt, but she pushed him back and rolled her eyes.

  “Your dick is not going to fix this situation. In case you forgot, your dick is why we’re in this position right now,” she told him.

  “You’re right,” he sighed.

  She turned and headed for the stairs without even sparing him another glance.

  “Wait, Ahni. Where are you going? What about us?” he called out after her.

  “I’ll call you. I can’t give you an answer right now,” she said before walking out the door.

  Fabion put his hands on his head and sighed deeply. He had no one to blame for this but himself. One minute things between them were good then the next thing he knew, they were all fucked up. I gotta get her back, I just have to.


  Three hours later, Ahnesty was standing over the stove cooking as she dance around to Chris Brown’s X cd that was playing throughout out the house. She swayed her hips as Chris Brown sang about sparking a new flame.

  When she turned around, she almost jumped out of her skin when she realized she wasn’t alone.

  “Boy, what the hell you sneaking around for? I’m too young for a heart attack,” she said with her hands on her chest.